Shipton Parish Council (SPC) owns a field of approximately 3 acres adjacent the sports field. This has been let on a short-term tenancy for agricultural use. The Parish Council has discussed the possibility and utility of using this land to create a community woodland, and it was agreed to in August 22 at 22-111. Following a period of consultation with the local community a steering group was formed from Shipton residents who wished to move forward with the possibility of creating a community wildflower woodland. Progress has been followed by the Parish Council. Shipton residents have been informed of the project by leaflets, notice boards and a public meeting. As a result, 69 people have expressed a positive interest and have shared their email addresses to be kept informed. The council resolved to give notice to the farmer, who has vacated the land, and plans are in hand to develop the Shipton Wildflower Woods. (SWW)
Shipton Wildflower Woods Committee Objectives
To create a community wood with woodland wildflowers to improve neighbourhood appeal providing a much-needed habitat for a wealth of wildlife, from shade loving plants and delicate fungi to nesting birds and elusive mammals, while providing precious nectar for invertebrates. Advice has been received from The Woodland Trust, Eden Project and other experts in the field that includes correct preparation, native trees, pathways, a mix of grassland, wildflower meadow and natural groups of trees. Shipton Wildflower Woods offers something for everyone.
Shipton Parish Council raised the idea of a community wood and sought views from the village. A series of meetings were held and viability reports were fed back to the PC. A group formed to discuss possibilities for the site and there was agreement to the above.
· Technical and financial support has been received from Woodland Trust, Forest of Flowers Huby and Eden Project.
· Established wildflower woods have been visited.
· Information has been provided to inform local people about SWW; notice boards, leaflets, open day, emails, parish magazine.
· Participation by local community is encouraged (all ages and abilities).
· Archaeological assessment carried out. Reference Shipton by-pass survey.
· Northern PowerGrid consulted re location of apparatus at Shipton Wildflower Woods. Confirmation received nothing to hinder progress.
· Land drains considered. Internal Drainage Board consulted. Main drain to be located, and left undisturbed.
· Carried out soil classification survey across the site. Result: field is very suitable for the proposal.
· Fundraising officer nominated, seconded and approved.
Committee Actions
· Shipton Parish Council may consider creating a community woodland committee and issue terms of reference. (Ref: Local Government Act 1972, Section 101)
· Fundraising required - £5,000 initial target? – an existing Parish Council bank account will be made available for deposits and withdrawals.
· Mitigate seed cost by considering tree planting layout. To discuss.
· Main drain to be located, and left undisturbed.
· Soil inversion to be carried out by Eden Project contractor. Spring 2023
· Harrowing to be carried out, to be arranged locally. Spring 2023
· Wildflower seeds to sow. Spring 2023
· Manual weed pulling, volunteers invited.
· Woodland Trust to advise and supply native trees.
· Invite local people to plant trees. September/October 2023
· Woods to be accessible to all.
· SWW Committee to manage Shipton Wildflower Woods and take action as appropriate, liaising with Shipton Parish Council.