The Shipton Space Community Café is held weekly at Shipton Community Centre, every Tuesday from 2 pm until 4.30 pm. We provide a multigenerational friendly social space with homemade cakes, tea, coffee, and soft drinks. There is also a tuck shop.
The café began in 2015 and was initially held in the Shipton Methodist chapel. However, when it was decided that the building was to be sold to developers, it was moved to our village community centre.
The café is run on a rota basis by volunteers. They bake the cakes, set up the hall, welcome and serve our customers. A committee oversees the running of the café.
Throughout its lifetime the café has also organised several events including meals out, trips to local gardens, pantomime's, weekend breakfasts, and a couple of very successful Bake-Off competitions.
We look forward to welcoming you to our café either as a customer or volunteer. Should you require any further information please contact -Pat Sellers 01904 470376.